Jan 16 2008

The County Commission needs to take a hard look at this deal. I would like to think we had this parcel nationally advertised or at least entertained other bids. Or were other potential buyers even aware of this property? Here is what I've gleaned from 10 minutes work on the internet:

Offered at $924,885.00 per acre (link...)

Offered at $809,866.00 per acre (link...)

Offered at $665,000.00 per acre (link...)

The per acreage amount the County is willing to settle for on behalf of the citizens; 17 acres at $3million equaling approx $176,470.00 an acre.

Could it be the traffic count? Well, per TDOT numbers for 2006, the HWY 411 South location gets 15,910 while the HWY 129 - Louisville Rd intersection gets 42,992 vehicles a day. More than double.

Once again where Bennett and numbers intersect - things don't add up. Maybe Bennett can get his cult together so they can suspend the rules in effort to proclaim him; Twinkie King - Earle of Dealmakery! All hail the King!

Maybe some developer(s) on the CC will take another look at this deal. We are getting suckered again people - take that to the bank. Can you guess which bank?

**waving hand**

All [county gov't] roads in Blount County lead to American Fidelity/Greenbank - right there at the intersection of money and politics!

I wondered about this

I wondered about this selling price as well. Anybody know how much was spent for the original land for Hamilton Crossing?

Good question for the CC to ask

I know less than a half acre where the Alcoa Credit Union/Chick-Fil-A/Ryan's is went for around $300K when it was built a decade ago.

Humanitarian Aide

If every citizen of Blount County (118,186) gave $68.00 each, we could buy all three listings, divide it up into 35, 1/3-acre lots, and provide subsidized housing lots for at least 35 immigrant families to live on. Sounds like a great Humanitarian idea, that I'm sure the majority of the citizens would be willing to go for. Who should I contact?

viva Evo Morales

Great idea!

Call the Mayor at his office. I'm sure he'll just be kicking himself for not having thought of it first.


What better place for a store called "Dicks"!

In December 2006, Jay Dunlap sold... acre of land across the bypass on Hunter's Crossing Drive to the TVA Credit Union for $670,000...looks like he's getting a pretty sweet deal, huh?

Wholesale minded in a retail world


I'm not in real estate, so I'm looking for some help. Is a 380% markup the average for paving over some shoveled in dirt?

More story ideas

Another good article for the local press would be; was this or was this not a good deal?

Besides the comparative analysis at the top of this thread, one multi-part question may be who owns that big mountain of dirt piled up to the edge of this property, how long have they owned it and what they intend to do with it.

Any envionmental issues with

Any envionmental issues with the property?

As much as they were "explained"

There has been a landfill cited as the reason for the sweet deal, but I've heard no plans to remove this soil. There was no mention of whether the "landfill" was isolated to this parcel or if it extended out to what has already been developed (another good question to have known). It was explained this would drive up cost to the builder as they would have to employ caissons for any structures built. Although, as I understand it, caissons are normally used when building these big box stores.

There was also the mention of fuel from leaky trucks, but we know that's not really an issue when it comes to making county land deals; (link...)

I'm not against this deal, in fact I think Bill Dunlap is way past due. But wouldn't it have been nice to had an extra few million so Mr. Dunlap could get federal matching funds to help him with future projects? I wonder how much Mr. Dunlap's department could have leveled and paved the parcel for?

Shopping on brownfields

Looks like we have been formally short-changed. (link...)

From Cunningham:

I am pleased that the county received more than the appraised value for this land in spite of the brownfield problems in existence because the property was previously a landfill.

Good to know he acknowledged this. Now he will have to follow up to make sure the soil is removed to protect citizens. Did we ever confirm whether "Phase one" was built over part of this landfill?

Must be the side of the street your on

Anybody know how many acres the current 911 center sits on? Last night Bennett alluded to the property as the funding source for the $2.1 million needed for the 3500 sq/ft building at the firing range that might or might not be built. That building must have gold fixtures inside as we know property in this area only goes for around $176K per acre.

Maybe the same developer

Maybe the same developer will buy it that bought the road department property.

"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." -Mahatma Gandhi

What's the Deal? Again.

Have you seen the 911 property, the one that's paying for the building that might or might not be built, listed on MLS (link...) ? I couldn't find it. Looked on the Economic Development Board site also, and couldn't find it there either; (link...) Although, from an article on the 911 centers own site, it appears there are buyers ready;

Brewer said there should be no problem selling the building in a timely matter. He said a several groups have shown interest in the property.


Why do we keep selling our PUBLIC property in such a PRIVATE way? Also, please note the building the center has been using since 1990 was an old Bellsouth building. It had infrastructure. What do you think it will cost to run infrastructure like fiber optics down at the dump? Also, a lot of talk of the 911 center operating out of the basement - a basement at the dump. Where do I apply?

If we don't have transparency for the "We The People", do we have a government for "We The People"?

Why do we keep selling our

Why do we keep selling our PUBLIC property in such a PRIVATE way?

Is it not better to advertise as much as possible to maximize profits?

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